Andrew Pudewa is the founder and director of the Institute for Excellence in Writing and a father of seven. Traveling and speaking around the world, he addresses issues related to teaching, writing, thinking, spelling, and music with clarity, insight, practical experience, and humor. His seminars for parents, students, and teachers have helped transform many a reluctant writer and have equipped educators with powerful tools to dramatically improve students’ skills. Although he is a graduate of the Talent Education Institute in Japan and holds a Certificate of Child Brain Development from the Institutes for the Achievement of Human Potential in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, his best endorsement is from a young Alaskan boy who called him “the funny man with the wonderful words.” He and his heroic wife, Robin, have homeschooled their seven children and are now proud grandparents of fifteen, making their home in Tulsa, Oklahoma.
Follow Andrew and IEW’s social media accounts on Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Pinterest, and LinkedIn
KEYNOTE: Andrew’s Summit Workshop is titled: Freedomship Education: Rebuilding Your Education Paradigm

Annette has been married to her husband and best friend since 2003. Together they are raising their six children to follow the Lord’s will, no matter what. Annette’s homeschooling journey began in 2010 when her oldest was finishing up preschool. She realized he was ahead of the curve and felt that he would “get lost” in the large class sizes. After much prayer, she and her husband decided homeschooling was the right fit for their family. Over the years their homeschooling methods have changed and grown into what works best for their family, which is a mix of Charlotte Mason and Unschooling while they travel the United States in their RV fulltime.
You can also keep up with her via Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest, and their traveling adventures at Roadschooling the States with 8.
Annette’s Summit Workshops are titled: Encouraging Your High Schooler to Find Their Passion and Homeschooling When You Have No Patience

At Play With Education, you will find fun, engaging tools to help you accomplish your goals for high school writing: Serious Learning for Successful Students!
Brenda has been homeschooling her son from birth to college (he grew up to be a professional writer and editor!). For 20 years, she has taught writing online to students of all ages. She knows how tough it is to help your kids with their writing while you also edit their papers! That’s why she created videos that bring to life the books for WriteShop® I and II.
Now, you can sign up for the courses using the WriteShop® materials at Play With Education. Or you can take a separate class giving tips, guides, and courage to edit your student’s papers: The Fearless Editor (Mom and Dad!).
No matter which program you’re using: WriteShop® I and II, Institute for Excellence in Writing [IEW], Sonlight, or any others, Brenda can help!
You can find Play With Education on Facebook, Instagram and on Twitter
Brenda’s Summit Workshops are titled: Teaching Together : Homeschooling Techniques From a One-Room Schoolhouse and You Don’t Have to Be an Expert Cook, but You Can Include Science, Math, History, and Literature Daily!

Steve and his wife Sandra have been married since 1979. They have been blessed with four sons, three lovely daughters-in-law, and six special grandchildren. Their fourth son has Down Syndrome and lives with them in Lititz, PA.
Steve has served in full or part-time pastoral ministry for many years after graduating from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. He is the creator of Math-U-See and the founder of Building Faith Families.
KEYNOTE:Steve’s Summit Workshop is titled: Deepening Family Relationships Through Godly Communication

No one understands education like Britton LaTulippe. This homeschooling father of eight is the author of more than 70 children’s books and The Art of Raising Children for Greatness series, creator of several early-learning curriculum sets, and the founder and president of Blue Manor’s Online Academy. After attending an elite prep school in Virginia, he realized that the greatest disparity between the rich and poor was not their wealth, but their quality of education. Now, it is LaTulippe’s mission to bring high-quality education into the world of homeschooling.
KEYNOTE: Britton’s Summit Workshop is titled: Raising Children for Greatness: Leadership

Meredith Curtis, homeschooling mom of 5 amazing children and Grand-Merey to 7 angels, writes, speaks, and loves to encourage families in their homeschooling adventure. With gratefulness to the Lord, she is a curriculum creator, publisher, and the author of Who Dun It Literature & Writing, HIS Story of the 20th Century, and God Bless the USA Exploring States and Territories.
You can find Meredith at PowerlineProd.com, Instagram, Pinterest, and Facebook. Check out Meredith’s homeschool resources at Powerline Productions’ online store. Read her blog at PowerlineProd.com, and Listen to her at Finish Well Podcast. Join one of her online classes at True North Homeschool Academy.
KEYNOTE: Meredith’s Summit Workshops are titled: Like Apples of Gold in Settings of Silver: Leading with Encouragement and How To Lead a Team to Accomplish a Mission

Dana Susan Beasley, owner of AngelArts, A Creative Arts Agency and Publishing House, works with homeschooling families, teens, and aspiring entrepreneurs who face uncertain futures in these difficult times. Using proven digital and traditional marketing and branding strategies, she helps them plan, start, and launch successful businesses that are optimally matched with their passions, giftings, and God-given callings. With this in hand, they can create their own opportunities and economies and, more significantly, to make an impact on the world around them for Christ.
Dana’s Summit Workshop is titled: Cultivating The Entrepreneur Mindset in Your Teen and Immersive Learning: The Lost Art of Play and How It Can Help Your Child Excel

Lisa Nehring has 1 husband, 2 graduate degrees, 5 kids and a blackbelt in homeschooling. She holds a Master’s Degree in Human Development and a Master’s Degree in Marriage and Family Therapy. Having homeschooled her 5 Kids for 30 years, Lisa takes delight in knowing that her growing passel of grandkids are also being homeschooled.
Lisa is the founder and director of True North Homeschool Academy, a 4tht-12th grade full service on-line Academy. Our world class teachers utilize time testing educational tools, cutting edge tech, the SAMR model of education and gamification to provide a unique and innovative program that nurtures our growing international community.
Lisa believes that education is the transmission of culture and is passionate about transmitting a culture of Truth, beauty and goodness to a world desperate for all three. She believes that education is a great tool to bear witness to a living God!
Find True North Homeschool Academy:
Website: True North Homeschool Academy
Facebook Page: True North Homeschool Academy
Youtube: Lisa Nehring – YouTube
Pinterest: True North Homeschool Academy
Instagram @Truenorthhomeschoolacademy
Facebook Group: True North Homeschool Tribe
Lisa’s Summit Workshops are titled: Give your Kids the Gift of Grit and 5 Ways Entrepreneurial Skills lead to Success

Christy Gandara is homeschool mindset mentor and education strategist who challenges families to examine what matters most and to use the unique gifts inside themselves. In 2010, she and her 3 bugs embarked on a year-long homeschool journey using the holiday of the day as their curriculum. It was by far one of the most life-changing years of their journey. Inspired to bring this style of learning to others, Christy started Happy Hive Homeschooling in 2020. Using her 19 years of classroom teaching experience paired with her passion for homeschooling, Christy writes holiday of the day curriculum, provides mindset coaching and educational strategy courses to homeschooling families.
Christy has experience as both a full-time homeschooler as well as a working homeschool mom. Christy is passionate about guiding families along their homeschool journey; helping them to foster connections, build relationships, and amplify learning. When not mentoring families. working on holiday activities, or decorating her home for some random holiday, Christy can be found in the yard feeding the birds and squirrels or walking her cat Percy. Christy lives in California with her husband of 30+ years, 3 cats, dog, and the backyard animals. Her three “bugs” are finished with homeschooling and working on their advanced education. You can find Christy at www.happyhivehomeschooling.com
Christy’s Summit Workshops are titled: 7 Ways to Foster Independence in your Homeschool and Your Homeschool Mindset Matters

Katie makes homeschooling easier—and deliciously fun! She’s the bestselling author of “Dishing Up Devotions: 36 Faith-Building Activities for Homeschooling Families.” She’s also a popular blogger and speaker who infuses faith and fun to build strong families. Katie resides in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina with her husband of 17 years and their two children. She puts the FUN back into the FUNdamentals of Family Discipleship.
You can find more great resources and connect with her at KatieJTrent.com or on socials @KatieJTrent.
Katie’s Summit Workshop is titled: 3 Strategies for Creative, Biblical Character Training in your Homeschool

Singer-songwriter and author Rosie Boom lives with her husband Chris on a lifestyle block in New Zealand. They have six adult children. Rosie completed 23 years of homeschooling in 2019 and is now a full-time writer. She is the author of eleven books, including parenting books, children’s picture books and the multi-award-winning series The Barn Chronicles. The series tells of the Boom family’s fun and adventures while living in a hundred-year-old barn as they built their family home. Her books are wholesome read aloud adventures for the whole family to enjoy. Rosie is a sought-after speaker in New Zealand at women’s conferences, schools, churches, and homeschooling and parenting conventions, where she loves to speak about her passions – faith and family.
Learn more about Rosie at her website and follow her on Facebook
Rosie’s Summit Workshops are titled: The Gift of Values – Building Faith and Character in Your Children’s Lives and The Blessing of Reading Aloud Together as a Family

Amy Bodkin is a Consultant and Public Speaker serving homeschooling families with needs that fall outside the norm. She is uniquely qualified to help homeschool families with a wide variety of special needs. Amy is an Autistic Adult, has an Educational Specialist degree in Educational Psychology with an emphasis in Neuropsychology, a Master’s degree in Educational Psychology, and homeschools her two Autistic kiddos. Amy takes a Developmental Approach paired with Charlotte Mason’s Philosophy that “children are born persons” and are worthy of the respect due to persons.
You can check out all that Amy does to advocate for the better treatment of children at her website. It’s as easy as ABC: Ally, Boost, and Connect! Ally with Amy through her podcast, “Special Needs Kids Are People Too!” Get a Boost with her Educational Resources. And Connect through her Membership Group and Private Consultations! You can also find Amy on Facebook and Instagram.
Amy’s Summit Workshops are titled: Documenting and Planning Your Homeschool and Introduction to Woodworking

Molly Christensen is a joyful mother of 7 amazing children, ages 11 on up. She earned a degree in Mechanical Engineering and then engineered her homeschool for the past 22 years. She is the owner of Building Heroes at Home, which helps support you in creating the homeschool you love while raising amazing kids. She is the author of “How to Get Everything (Important) Done” and podcast at The Building Heroes Podcast. She is passionate about sharing her love of learning and encouraging others on their journeys to greatness!
Molly’s Summit Workshops are titled: Time-Bending for Busy Moms and POWER! Habits for Super Moms!

Suzanne Gose, aka Señora Gose is a certified Texas Public School Teacher who thrived on teaching in the Public school system before beginning her family. When she became a stay at home mom with their first born, she contacted the local community to tutor or host a small Spanish class. After that initial email, classes sprang to life and for 21 years now, she has been teaching Spanish and public speaking to homeschool students weekly in a classroom setting, most recently at the Community Homeschool Center in Bryan, Texas that she founded in 2009. She’s a happily married mother of five children, small business owner and her family loves living on a small 15 acre farm here in Central Texas. She thoroughly enjoys teaching my weekly Spanish classes, supporting homeschool endeavors of the community in any way possible, and striving to keep a happy, well-organized home. Flip Flop Spanish and Spanish Geniuses is the family owned business that gives tools and encouragement to homeschooling families of all ages and make ups to learn to communicate effectively in their second language.
You can find video courses for Junior high and up on www.SpanishGeniuses.com, tools for ALL ages on www.FlipFlopSpanish.com, and daily encouragements on Facebook.
Suzanne’s Summit Workshops are titled: The 7 stages of Learning a Language – The Hidden Benefits & HOW to do it and Communication Confidence Comes from Knowledge… of Spanish?

Bex grew up in the projects in Brooklyn, NY what some call “The Hood” But truthfully as tough as it was she remembers it as a much simpler time. Yes she did have fights to protect herself, she would need to listen out for shoot outs before she would meet up with her friends to walk to school, but throughout all this, everyday she would say to herself “This place is not who I am it is just where I sleep, I decide what I can achieve and cannot achieve. She actually dropped out of high school at 15 but returned at 17 and graduated at the end of that year taking 28 classes in 10 months; she would achieve this by attending one high school in the day and another at night traveling across the city for a whole school year. She is not afraid of some hard work and learned that year what diligence, persistence and what good habits can do in such a short period of time. Despite all of the negativity from school officials and even so called friends she was determined to become a statistic and thus graduated at 17 after missing nearly 2 years of high school.
Bex went on to college graduated with her Biology and Chemistry degree. Then returned back to school to add on to her degree foreign language and studied in Spain where her family originated from. She studied originally to be a doctor of physical therapy but found no pleasure in the field after 6 six years of hard studying from 6am to midnight most days. One day a friends’ mom reached out to her to be a temporary substitute at a private school and the rest is history! She fell in-love with teaching and knew that she with the life she lived she could help and challenge young minds to become the best version of themselves. Little by little things were hard in the beginning because there was no formal training but with her developed persistence and perseverance, she stayed the course. However her greatest heartache right now is the devaluation of hard work and good stress. She sees a world turning weak, dependent and entitled. Her life she knows is to expose the lies told to most encourage the youth and help them understand it is ok to work hard and have to struggle a little to get what they want and to empower parents to support their kids while they become fortified strong and resilient so that they can be part of the future that will protect this country.
Learn more about Bex at her website “The Homeschool Advantage“
Bex’s Summit Workshops are titled: The Resilient and Fortified Mind and How To Build Capacity With The Right Habits

Peggy Ployhar, SPED Homeschool Founder & CEO, is a physicist turned home educator who left a lucrative career in the medical device industry to teach the struggling learners in her own home. Peggy founded SPED Homeschool in 2017 after working in the special education homeschooling industry for over a decade and now she and her team empower families across the globe to homeschool students with diverse learning needs through her weekly live broadcast and podcast, Empowering Homeschool Conversations, the SPED Homeschool YouTube channel, the vetted homeschooling resources listed on their website, and in their articles. She is certified by the American Association of Christian Counselors and trained as a Precept Bible Study leader. Peggy is also a professional aerial silks performer and instructor. In her free time, Peggy enjoys vegan/gluten-free cooking, paddle boarding, hiking and reading. She and her husband Doug live in League City, TX, and after 19 years of homeschooling have now graduated all three of their children from their home school.
Peggy’s Summit Workshops are titled: Self-Care Strategies and Shedding Light on Depression

Val Robb homeschooled for 25 years and she delights in her six adult children, daughter-in-law and adorable grandson. Originally from Canada where she trained as an elementary teacher, Val spent 7 years in Asia and now lives in New Zealand with her Kiwi husband. Val loves helping homeschool parents strengthen relationships with their children while growing their writing skills. She blogs at www.inspiringwriting.co and offers homeschool consultations and workshops to help parents mentor writing in meaningful ways.
Val’s Summit Workshops are titled: Inspire Them to Write and Inspire Them to Learn

Sara Jordan is a homeschool mom to 3 creative girls. She holds a degree in Social Work specializing in early childhood development, which led to her interest in individualized educational options like homeschooling. She believes that learning should be a lifelong adventure, not just a checklist to get through. She is a writer, avid reader, and introvert (INFJ). She created her website, Heart and Soul Homeschooling, in 2008 to share encouragement and ideas with other homeschool moms.
You can also find her on her Amazon author page, Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, Instagram, and join her Facebook group for community support.
Sara’s Summit Workshop is titled: The Power of Habits

Tauna Meyer is the founder of ProverbialHomemaker.com and author of the curriculum Sound Words for Kids: Lessons in Theology. Tauna is a homeschooling mom of six who speaks to women with encouragement that is relatable and tools that work in real life! She has a passion for helping moms overcome the hurdles that keep them from homeschooling successfully, all while pointing themselves and their children to Christ. Connect with her at ProverbialHomemaker.com and in the Homeschool Successfully FB Group.
Tauna’s Summit Workshop is titled: 4 Practical Homemaking Tips for Domestically Challenged Moms

Tatiana is a 16 year veteran homeschool mom, mentor, writer, speaker, web & graphic designer. Tatiana has graduated four of her six children using the Charlotte Mason philosophy of education. She lives in California and coordinates a co-op for 30+ families. She is an aspiring apologist, bibliophile and compulsive organizer. She co-hosts the Charlotte Mason Inspired Conferences, and the Charlotte Mason Inspired Podcast. She writes about motherhood and home education at Purposeful Motherhood, apologetics for moms at Teach Me Apologetics and owns ScarletDigital.io, a full-service creative agency, which provides web design, social media & project management, branding and more.
Follow her on Instagram @_tatianarivera_ and @charlottemasoninspired
Tatiana’s Summit Workshops are titled: Entrepreneurship for Kids and Teens and How to Change your Mindset and Become a Lifelong Learner

Amber Smith and her chef husband of 26 years, raised ten wild children in southern Iowa. Her desire to help homeschool parents avoid burnout, build their best life, with strong relationships, led her to start blogging at 200 Fingers & Toes. That is where you can find the latest articles, product reviews, new In Due Season Homeschool Podcast episodes. As a second generation homeschool grad with a public school background, she understands the experience of transitioning a family to homeschool living. Amber serves the homeschool community as a freelance writer, reviewing and contributing to popular homeschool blogs and magazines by sharing tips and tools used in their homeschool over the last eighteen years. Wherever she speaks, Amber offers practical examples to equip your homeschool, define your goals, dream bigger and build relationships that are vibrant and active.
Amber’s Summit Workshops are titled: Getting Comfortable with Failure? and What Do I Do With a Child Who HATES School?

Teresa helps the homeschool mama shed what’s not working so she can show up in her homeschool (& life) authentically, purposefully, and confidently. Teresa has been a homeschool mama to four kids (now aged 14-21). Her writing forays turned into podcasting, then to life coaching to serve the homeschool community. She offers virtual retreats, and group & personal coaching on deschooling, self-compassion, boundary building, and reimagining our homeschool lives. Teresa hosts a podcast and creates a community for homeschool moms who want to show up on purpose in their life.
Teresa can be found at www.capturingthecharmedlife.com, Instagram, and on Facebook
Teresa’s Summit Workshop is titled: How to Address our Big Emotions: Strategies for the Homeschool Mama

Sarah McCubbin lives in Ohio with her husband Mike and 9 children. Her goal is to help parents raise confident teens and young adults by providing resources for training in life skills, social skills and leadership at www.TenMinuteMomentum.com.
Connect with her at: Facebook Page: Sarah McCubbin. Facebook Group: Schooling Year by Year, Instagram: ten_minute_momentum, and Follow her on Pinterest
Sarah’s Summit Workshop is titled: How to Help Your Teens Step Confidently Into Adulthood

Danielle Papageorgiou has been homeschooling, or “lifeschooling,” for 21 years (she counts birth as day 1!) and runs a blog and online conference. She has a passion for helping other homeschoolers learn how to homeschool in a way that does not compete with family life but actually enhances it—homeschooling done in a spirit of freedom, not legalism. Her desire is to see more families set free from the world’s expectations of what education is and to discover that God has made each family unique and has also placed in each of their children special gifts and desires that He wants to use. The verse that guides the Papageorgious in their pursuit of lifeschooling is Matthew 6:33, “But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” (Emphasis is Danielle’s).
You can connect with Danielle through her website at www.LifeAsALifeschooler.com and Facebook group at https://www.facebook.com/groups/lifeschooling/.
Danielle’s Summit Workshops are titled: 6 Foundational Keys to Raising Children Who Love God

Meet Ana Willis Homeschool Speaker, Blogger, Podcaster Ana is a wife, homeschool mom of 3, blogger, speaker, and Charlotte Mason-inspired homeschool mentor to hundreds of families in The Homeschool Sisterhood. Ana is also a women’s pastor and a passionate Bible and Hebrew teacher. She studied Theology at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary and has a double Bachelor’s degree in Biblical and Jewish Studies. As a homeschool mentor, Ana loves helping moms find joy in their homeschool, be more organized, grow in their faith, and even make an income working from home! Her goal is to help homeschool moms go from stressed to blessed, experience the joys of a Charlotte Mason-inspired Biblical education, and find fulfillment in their homeschool calling.
Follow Ana on Facebook and Instagram.
Ana’s Summit Workshops are titled: Discovering the Riches of a Charlotte Mason-Inspired Education, How to Make Learning Fun & Unforgettable and A Charlotte Mason Education in An Orwellian and Brave New World, How to Teach Truth in an Age of Darkness

Robin has homeschooled and taught Bible studies for 30 years. She found a structured strategy to unlock the treasures of God’s Word to see it as one unified story dividing the Bible into 12 historical eras. She leads a class and Facebook Group to journal through the entire Bible using the 12 Bible Eras method (one historical era each month) BIblejournalclasses.com
Visit her Etsy Shop at https://www.etsy.com/shop/BibleJournalLove
Robin’s Summit Workshops are titled: My Homeschool Mistakes and The Bible is One Unified Story

Colleen Kessler believes that you are the absolute best teacher there is for your gifted, twice-exceptional, or otherwise differently-wired kiddo. The author of more than a dozen books for parents, teachers, and children, award-winning educator, educational coach and consultant, and passionate advocate for the needs of differently-wired kids, Colleen has a B.S. in elementary education, a M.Ed. in gifted studies, and is the founder of the popular podcast and website Raising Lifelong Learners, as well as The Learner’s Lab, a membership community of support, social and emotional education, and creative thinking lessons for differently-wired kids and their parents. Her brand-new book, Raising Resilient Sons: A Boy Mom’s Guide to Building a Strong, Confident, and Emotionally Intelligent Family is available now wherever books are sold! Other recent titles include 100 Backyard Activities That are the Coolest, Dirtiest, Creepy-Crawliest Ever!, Raising Creative Kids: A Collection of Creativity Prompts for Children, and The Anxiety Toolkit: 96 Ways to Help Your Child Calm Their Worries.
Colleen lives in Northeast Ohio with her reading specialist husband, four delightfully differently-wired kiddos, pug, bearded dragon, red-eared sliders, and an ever-changing assortment of other small animals and insects.
You can find her online at RaisingLifelongLearners.com and on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok.
Visit her Etsy Shop at https://www.etsy.com/shop/BibleJournalLove
Colleen’s Summit Workshop is titled: Using The Hero’s Journey to Teach Resilience and Launch Your Teens Successfully
Your Hostess:

I’m your hostess, Kerry Beck . . .
I’m so excited to share these experts with you to give you confidence to hop off the conveyor belt of education and raise your kids to lead and influence with success. I’m Gigi to my grandkids, so I’m starting over this year with Kindergarten. I love it. I homeschooled my 3 kids for 10 years. They’re all adults and my girls are moms, themselves.
You’ll get to know Hunter during Summit because I interviewed him about his leadership development and mindset training. I’ll also share “un-edited” interviews from each of my kids with their view of our homeschool.
I enjoy meeting with moms to encourage them in raising, educating and encouraging their own kids. I also have a strong desire to show families how to give their children a love of learning. I love being a mom, a Gigi and a homeschooler. One of my kids said, “I’m bringing my kids to you for all those fun activities.” Well, I can’t wait.
Most importantly, I want to share my faith with you. It’s my faith in Jesus Christ that gives me strength and courage to walk through days of rejection – loneliness – abandonment and lead me to peace, joy, victory and real forgiveness. Who could ask for more?
Sit back and let our Summit Experts help YOU!
Get rid of your overwhelm and use leadership education and real life skills with confidence after you hear our Experts. If this is your first year, you’re in for a treat.